Book Review: You’d Be Mine by Erin Hahn
Last updated on November 23rd, 2022 at 07:27 am

I finished this book in one sitting. I just kept going. I wanted to know how it ended. I felt attached to the characters and their journey. Parts of it were really difficult to read, but it felt worth it in the end. So, let’s review You’d Be Mine by Erin Hahn.
You’d Be Mine revolves around Annie, the daughter of successful country musicians, and Jefferson/Clay who is a country star who needs to convince Annie to go on tour to keep his contract. So, they go on tour together with Annie as his opener. As time goes on, Annie and her band become more popular, and Annie and Clay become more involved. They’re both a mess since Annie is trying to get over her dead parents, and Clay is trying to get over his dead brother. It’s all very dramatic.
The Good
This book is basically about two people who have been through some serious trauma (some of it self-inflicted on Clay’s part). Given how experiences shape us, their problems made sense. Clay is self-destructive, and Annie is fragile. You buy why they’re so messed up, and you feel for them.
I did enjoy the love story. You can read my reservations about it below, but the sexual tension combined with the sweetness was well done. It wasn’t like insta-love. It was more like insta-attraction that becomes something deeper. I don’t think it was my favorite love story, but I’d reread it. I did want them to get together. Eventually. After Clay stopped being so awful.
One thing I enjoyed about this book too was the dedication to the music. You’re with the two characters on stage or in their trailer, and you understand why they love the music. Annie’s dedication particularly, given that she blames music for her parents’ deaths, is heartwarming. The music is also heavily connected to the love story which is great. You have this deeper connection between the two of them making the whole thing more plausible.
The Bad
Okay, some parts of this book were straight-up uncomfortable to read. The cringe level was intense. It wasn’t bad writing. It was the characters making bad decisions, and it was just difficult to get through.
This part gets a little spoilery, but also, if you’ve read a lot of love stories, it shouldn’t be a surprise. Clay’s turnaround at the end felt a little fast. As if the book realized it didn’t have a lot of time left, and so it rushed through Clay’s recovery. The boy is a clear alcoholic and goes through zero withdrawal. It doesn’t make sense. The book focuses on his rock bottom and then spends only maybe thirty pages on his getting better.
I also felt like Clay never really had to answer for his bad behavior towards Annie. I don’t think he ever apologizes really because she just auto forgives him. Which I understand, but it was a bit like, “Really?”
I honestly think Clay’s turnaround was based on Johnny Cash’s recovery with the help of June Carter. The book referenced that couple constantly. Like, if you know the Cash story, you know the ending of this book. Still, it felt a bit like lazy writing to just sort of rely on that.
I really enjoyed this story, even if I had to speed read through the cringy moments. I loved the family dynamic between all the characters and how the novel focused on being your best self.
My recommendation for this book is to take it out from your local library before you make the decision to buy it. It’s good, but it definitely won’t be for everyone. Personally, I will buy this book, but it’s not at the top of my list.
I hope you enjoyed my review of You’d Be Mine. You can check out my review of Love and Luck from last week! Plus, be sure to sign up for my newsletter if you don’t want to miss any other reviews! And if you’ve read the book, comment below with your thoughts!
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